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Thursday, January 10, 2008

Parenting Children with ADHD - Your Child's Future
By Debra Sale Wendler

Your child has ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). He is impulsive, hyperactive, and temperamental because he does not have the frontal lobe ability to monitor his behavior. He has low self-esteem because he is constantly being corrected by adults for his inappropriate behavior.

He has ODD (oppositional defiant disorder) because he thinks he is never wrong. He does not trust or respect adults because he thinks he is smarter than they are. He is obnoxious, unhappy, rejected, and out of control-all the makings of a social outcast.

It has been said that a child with ADHD operates like a speeding car without the brakes. Remember this metaphor by heart. There are several ways to stop a car without brakes. It is your job to help your child find those ways unique to him so that he can slow down, pay attention, make informed choices, and learn.

Effect of ADHD on Your Child's Future

Few parenting experts will tell you honestly how dim your child's future will probably be without proper ADHD treatment. Some untreated adults with ADHD develop their own coping skills to make their disorders more manageable, for example, drinking eight cups of coffee a day. Most lead unhappy and unproductive lives, drifting through jobs and relationships with little success. Many adults with untreated ADHD also have drug and alcohol addiction problems.

An untreated child with ADHD, ten years old or younger, will often experiment with substance abuse to try to curb his emotional pain. If he is frequently out of control when he is 11 or 12, his parents might look into residential treatment facilities for treatment. When he is 15, his parents might give up and hope for the day he is old enough to leave home for good.

You Can Improve Child Behavior

Your child's future depends on your decision to take an active role in helping him overcome ADHD and ODD.

A man who wants to do something will find a way; a man who doesn't will find an excuse. Stephen Dolley, Jr.

Many experts will be quick to tell you the challenges of ADHD and ODD, but few offer specific parenting advice, thorough explanations, and practical solutions. Most parents of children with these challenges have at least 20 big problems that they need to solve immediately.

If you are ready to start on a constructive journey to solve your parenting problems and help your child, I invite you to use these parenting tips and join an elite group of parents who are on the same path.

If you want to calm your challenging child, I invite you to claim your free child behavior-improving report "Three Easy Ways to Improve Your Child's Behavior Today!" You can download part one when you subscribe at http://www.AdhdParentingTips.com It explains the methods I used to improve my son's ADHD/ODD behavior by 72% in 3 weeks. The sooner you start this, the easier it is to help your child. You can do this. From Debra Sale Wendler - Respect Effect Mom and ADHD Parenting Success at http://www.AdhdParentingSuccess.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Debra_Sale_Wendler

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