A Source of Free Articles About Mental Health, Mental Illnesses, Mental Development, Anxiety, Anxiety Attacks, Anxiety Disorders, Anger, Aggression, Depression, Stress, Negativity, Dreams, Nightmares, Imagination, Stigma, Severe Mental Illness, Memory Problems, Alternative Therapies, Psychotherapy, etc.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Mental Health for Life - Natural Cure for All Existent Mental Illnesses

By Christina Sponias

I continued Carl Jung's research of dream interpretation and discovered the anti- conscience, which Jung believed to be a part of the unconscious. However, the unconscious produces our dreams and is like a doctor with saintly characteristics, while the human conscience is selfish and makes many mistakes. Jung was wrong for considering the unconscious capable of provoking the diseases it actually helps us overcome...

What causes all mental illnesses is the anti-conscience, which was not transformed through consciousness, and is totally immoral, evil and violent.

The wild conscience, which I term the anti-conscience because it is against the conscience, has many powers. It invades the conscience with absurd thoughts and feelings that in the initially don't appear absurd. They are camouflaged as if they belonged to the conscience because the anti-conscience is an actor. It is very sneaky in addition to being absurd, since it craves terror.

Its nature has been distorted by constant suffering and deceptions. It experiences pleasure with pain as a defense against constant suffering. This is how the first conscience that appeared in the universe by chance evolved with time.

The wise unconscious is superior and can guide and cure anyone from any disease, mental or physical, because it is a conscience that evolved considerably and it achieved sanctity. Sanctity means wisdom, peace, perfection and sensitivity, since balance depends on compassion and goodness.

This is not what our society believes and the psychologists and psychiatrists of our time are still looking for a solution. However, the solution has already been discovered though dream interpretation.

Goodness, mental health and happiness will put an end to human craziness and despair.

The wise unconscious is a part of your psychic sphere and sends you informative dreams daily. This is free medicine from a natural source that regulates your physical functions and constantly tries to prevent the anti-conscience from destroying your conscience.

The anti-conscience constantly attacks your human conscience because it wants to control your behavior and spread terror. Your conscience can control your behavior if you respect moral principles of goodness, according to which you respect the other human beings. However, if you harm anyone, you start accepting the invasion of the anti-conscience into your conscience. This is how the poisonous anti-conscience starts destroying your human side.

You may believe that you never harm anyone, but the truth is very different from what you imagine because you are very ignorant. For example, your indifference to someone's pain is also a way of harming someone: you don't help them while you are in a position to do so.

Therefore, you never really know if you are right and far from the traps of the anti-conscience. You need guidance and you can receive it by interpreting your dreams. This way you'll be able to understand the camouflaged intentions of the anti-conscience and eliminate this enemy forever.

This is how you'll discover health and happiness, without going to any doctor or spending money on every visit.

You have to study dream interpretation because the unconscious would be interpreted by the anti-conscience if it could understand the messages sent to your conscience. This is why you have to translate dream images into words that your conscience can understand. However, I greatly simplified Jung's method and discovered the meaning of many more symbols that will help you easily understand the messages and immediately be helped by its wisdom.

Prevent Depression and Craziness through the scientific method of Dream Interpretation discovered by Carl Jung and simplified by Christina Sponias, a writer who continued Jung's research in the unknown region of the human psychic sphere. Learn more at: http://www.booksirecommend.com

Click here and download your copy of the Free ebook Beating Depression and Craziness

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Christina_Sponias

How to Reduce Anxiety in 5 Easy Steps

By Greg Frost

Anxiety is an emotion associated with fear and nervousness, and it develops into a disorder when such feelings are experienced irrationally. Symptoms of anxiety disorders include chest pains, sweating, hot flushes and nausea, amongst other. However, these symptoms are very common and are often overlooked or wrongly diagnosed as some other illness such as heart attacks.

There are many different types of anxiety disorders, such as post trauma anxiety disorder, panic anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. If you suspect that you suffer from anxiety disorder, it is advisable to seek out a professional opinion and get treatment.

Below are some guidelines on how to reduce anxiety in 5 easy steps, but this is not meant as a cure or a treatment. Proper medical care should be sought, and these tips can be used in addition to help you to cope with anxiety attacks.

Step 1: Relaxation Techniques

Learning to relax your body will help you to combat the symptoms of anxiety attacks, such as racing heartbeat, sweating, tremors and muscle tension. Pick up techniques such as meditation or muscle relaxation, and use it to relax your body when you feel an anxiety attack coming along.

Step 2: Exercise

Exercising is always recommended for keeping your body fit and healthy. A healthy body will also have a positive effect on your psychological health, and will help you to maintain a healthy lifestyle. You should also ensure that you get sufficient rest for your body, and that you have a relaxed environment where you can get uninterrupted rest for your body to recuperate at night.

Step 3: Balanced Diet

A balanced diet is essential to providing your body with the necessary nutrients needed to function optimally. Avoid taking in stimulants such as caffeine, or substances such as drugs, alcohol or cigarettes. These stimulants cause your heartbeat to speed up, and may trigger symptoms of your anxiety disorder.

Step 4: Seek Emotional Support

It is important to recognize that you have a problem, and not be afraid to seek help from your family and close ones. Share with them the cause of your anxiety disorder, as this will help them to assist and support you in recovering from anxiety disorders. If possible, you should see a professional for counseling to eliminate the root of your anxiety problem. Support groups are also a good alternative to share and learn from others who suffer from the same illness.

Step 5: Self Monitoring

You know yourself best, and this makes self monitoring a highly effective process. Once you have identified the cause of your anxiety attacks, look out for the triggers that cause an attack to occur. This will help you to look for alternatives or solutions to avoid or solve possible situations which will trigger an attack.

Greg Frost is a leading innovator in the field treating anxiety attacks and the director of http://www.AttackAnxiety.org which specializes providing a whole range of Anxiety Treatment topics to assist you in your life.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Greg_Frost

Morning Anxiety And Panic Attack Causes

By James O'neill

Morning anxiety is caused by the anticipation of having another horrible day, another day filled with emptiness and meaningless. Another day of being suppressed and enslaved in a job that you don't like. Another day of your dreams being far away from reach. Another day of meaningless toiling that goes on forever. Another day of confusion. Another day of hopes which disappear. Another day of desires and needs that won't be fulfilled. Another day that drags on. Another day of watching yourself grow old. Another day of being stuck in life with nowhere to go.

Morning anxiety and panic attacks are caused by the prospect of having another day devoid of any Love, the pain of a broken heart, sadness mixed with uncertainty that becomes mingled with fear and hurt. Morning anxiety is feeling needy, dreaming of someone to Love, a soul mate to snuggle up to- for skin to skin, heart to heart, soul to soul Love. In the morning you are in touch with your subconscious mind.

In the morning all the things that you have been suppressing during the week float to the top of your awareness. Morning anxiety is caused by debating with yourself, "can I handle this? Is this ever going to change? How many more days like this before something changes for the better?".

One of the worst things for those with anxiety is waking up in the mornings. When you come out of your sleeping coma of peace- that is when your problems start. People with anxiety oversleep to avoid life because it's horrible. Given the chance they will stay in bed as long as possible, into the afternoon or evening time, avoiding waking up and facing life.

At some stage when you're asleep you become detached from all your problems and your soul merges with pure consciousness and deep silence. You take a deep rest and anchor yourself in peace, and the body can rest. At that stage your problems have gone 100%. As you are waking up you are aware that you are coming out of peace. When you are asleep you have no problems. When you wake up that's when you problem are coming. The goal is to become conscious when you are sleeping, and then really absorb that peace. Then when you wake up you can bring that peace with you and into your life.

The way to overcome morning anxiety is to focus on true values, values of Love and eternal values of Love, which see the world becoming one big happy family- beyond the scope of your lifetime. View life as a wonderful challenge of learning to Love. Learn to embrace life. Learn to do your part of this eternal goal of Love, by loving in all situations, in good and bad situations. Learn to become strong, work harder and more productively. Forget about short term needs and desires and focus on developing yourself to become more free in this life and beyond. Since this aspect of your life is a learning phase, you don't have to go through this particular experience again. Know that you are moving into freedom. What are the causes for being without morning anxiety and morning panic attacks?

The opposite of having morning anxiety is waking up like a child on Christmas day with the promise of Love and looking into smiling eyes, knowing that the day offers Love, interesting adventures, excitement, creative fun and happiness. Start your day with a positive mental attitude. Say affirmations such as, "I like myself", "I feel terrific", or "I am responsible". Set your intention for the day, the week and the year ahead and get your eternal priorities right as well.

The secret for overcoming morning anxiety causes is having something to do for a worthwhile goal, such as getting up early in the morning to do some exercise or to do a daily mediation process, or to read or do some work or get something done. One of the biggest forms of satisfaction is achieving your goals in life, any worthwhile goals. Write down a list of your goals, the things you want to achieve in life. Write them in the present tense, such as "I am... or I have...". Examples are, "I am responsible for my whole life", "I am happy", or "I have a wonderful job which I Love". Then work really hard, managing your time well for getting the best possible productivity rate. Focus on your goals and work really hard. Meditation is good for overcoming morning anxiety. When you meditate properly you don't tend to need that much sleep. Instead of spending too much time sleeping you have important things to do, important goals to achieve. In this life, learn to be all that you can be. Replace worry with continuous action towards your goals. When you wake up, don't even think. Just get to work. Most successful people are early morning risers

Most highly successful people are early risers and get up at 5am in the morning, or even earlier. I know of one person who goes to bed at 7:00pm and gets up at 2:00am. He's a highly successful person. I know some successful spiritual people who don't sleep at all. They are literally working 24 hours a day. They never sleep. God never sleeps. Once you learn to meditate you can start swapping this with sleep. The goal is to grow your inner silence and peace in your life. Sleep is a healing coma. It's only for people who have lost orientation and are far away from love and require healing.

One wonderful way that I use to cure morning anxiety is to do some Hatha Yoga before going to bed. At night you can do your exercises before going to bed. Just do 45 minutes of Hatha Yoga, and you will go to sleep in bliss and wake up in bliss. If you do Hatha Yoga before you go to bed, you absorb 80% more bliss when you sleep. Waking up becomes easy and delightful. It's great waking up in bliss, fully prepared for meeting the challenges of the day. You could also meditate before going to bed and when you wake up to help set your intention and prepare you for the day ahead. Make sure you never sleep with your head facing towards North. This is a big cause of a lot of problems including anxiety and depression. The best way to sleep is with your head facing South or West, but East is also fine.

For more information please visit AnxietyMadeWell.Com for more information.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=James_O'neill

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Overcoming Social Anxiety - 6 Important Tips

By Jane Renshaw

Social anxiety is a horrific and life consuming state to be in. It can often feel that there is no way to change the thoughts of distress, humiliation, and fear. Fortunately there is a way, quite a few of them in fact.

There are many different techniques, and they appear to work for different people. Your goal is to find which method helps you. Here we focus on six tips that may help point you in the right direction.

Tip #1: Stop Focusing On What You Don't Want

The mere thought of what a social situation might lead to use to send me scurrying back home. What if this happened? What if that happened?
The more you think about something, the more you will attract it. It is time to stop focusing on all the things you don't want, as this will not help you overcome it. From now on, start focusing on what you DO want.

Write down how you imagine your life without social anxiety. Get it down on paper to turn it into a goal, rather than a mere fantasy floating around in your head.

Tip #2: Do Something Crazy

Whenever you feel yourself slipping back into that horrible feeling of being anxious, do something completely unexpected. Your subconscious is expecting you to start quivering in fear, so it won't know which way to turn when you start singing, thinking random thoughts, imagining everyone as cartoons, or start pulling your socks over your head.

This sudden change in behaviour gives yourself a bit of a jolt and can quickly change how you feel for that moment.

Tip #3: Be Consistent

Everyday, make a difference. Do something that will work towards you overcoming social anxiety, even if it is small. These will all add up and can completely change your life around. Keep a journal of your achievements. Always be on a quest to constantly improve yourself.

When you do something difficult, such as making a telephone call or going to a meeting, immediately reward yourself. Setting up a reward system can really motivate you and keep you on track.

Tip #4: Make It a Win-Win Situation

When someone with social anxiety thinks something went wrong, they will often dwell on it for hours, weeks, years on end. They relive the situation over and over and cringe with regret every time the thought appears.

Change your view on situations. You have probably heard the story of Thomas Edison. Apparently he failed again and again in inventing a properly working light bulb. Was it failure in his eyes? No! He just discovered 2000 ways not to make a light bulb.

So if something goes wrong, use it as a great learning opportunity! Many successful people will tell you that failure is how you learn. So then, it isn't really failure is it?

Ask yourself, "What can I learn from this situation?" Find opportunity in what doesn't go to plan. You can't lose!

Tip #5: Remember That You Are Responsible

No one else can make you overcome social phobia. We can help you along the way and point you in the right direction, but in the end, only you can overcome it.

Social anxiety doesn't get easier with age. It is only when you decide to make that commitment that you will be able to beat it. Remember that you are responsible. You have a choice.

Tip #6: Repeat an Affirmation

When things are going wrong, start repeating an affirmation in your head. Tell yourself that it is all going exactly how you want it to. Find an affirmation that suits you and say it over and over again.

This is something that will grow stronger with practice. The more you do this, the more effective it will be. Your subconscious doesn't know the difference between fantasy and reality, therefore any information you feed to it, it will believe (especially if you feed it this information constantly).

Jane Renshaw recovered from social anxiety disorder after nearly 20 years of suffering. She is the author of "How to Overcome Social Anxiety in 5 Easy Steps". This ebook puts emphasis on how even the worst sufferers can overcome their social anxiety permanently. You can get more information at (http://www.social-anxiety-revealed.com)

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jane_Renshaw

Mental Anguish Is Psychological Suffering

By Oze Parrot

Anguish, is the psychological suffering that is caused by any one of a number of events, which may naturally occur during a person's life span. These occurrences, can also be brought about by one, or a number of other party's regular activities, or intentional actions.

The word anguish, when spoken, conjures up thoughts of a distasteful, emotional situation that any one of us might have endured in the past. This situation may have been caused by the loss of a loved one, a business failure, an illness or accident. Any of these occurrences can be considered as a part of everyday life and people should condition themselves to cope with these situations. Mental anguish can also be brought about by poverty, the ravishes of war, imprisonment or loss of self esteem, which are not generally considered to be everyday events, however there are millions of people throughout the world who are suffering from the effects of these calamities.

Individuals suffering from mental anguish are extremely prone to the disabling effects of anxiety, depression and stress, which can also lead to a lifelong dependency on illicit drugs, alcohol or prescription medications.

Anxiety and depression are the two most prevalent mental health disorders identified in America. People of all ages, and those from all walks of life can suffer from depression, which if not successfully treated, can lead to a permanent disability, or in extreme cases, even suicide.

According to the World Health Organization, 121 million people throughout the world suffer from depression, and of those, 75 percent either don't realize that they are suffering from a mental disorder, or suitable treatment is beyond their means and not available to them. The latter of these can avail themselves of alternative therapies once they become aware of their problem.

Symptoms of depression can be quite obscure, particularly when the condition is brought about by a lengthy term of mental anguish. Poor eating habits and irregular sleep patterns are usually warning signs that anxiety or depression is disturbing a person's physical and mental performance. By eating regularly, adopting a diet that incudes essential vitamins and minerals, performing daily exercise routines, then one's physical condition will improve and naturally restore sound sleeping habits. This procedure will certainly assist the body to alleviate anxiety or depression and ease the burden of mental anguish.

Use of stimulants such as, alcohol, tea or coffee should be avoided and added supplements of vitamin B complex are beneficial in calming the body's nervous system. The ancient Chinese art of acupuncture is very highly regarded as a proven alternative therapy for anxiety, depression and stress. People that have access to a competent acupuncturist are well advised to avail themselves of this form of treatment, as well as take any herbal medicines that the practitioner may recommend.

Mental anguish is an unavoidable adversity that is part and parcel of day to day life. When an individual is confronted with the condition he must be mindful of the fact that dwelling on the event may lead to a permanent mental disorder, and as such, would require proper medical attention.

For further information, visit: http://la-healthhunter.com/anguish

Oze Parrot is an author, publisher and Internet marketing consultant. Formerly a tourist operator and real estate business marketing consultant Location: Queensland, Australia. You may republish this article as long as you include the name of the author and provide an active link to: http://la-healthhunter.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Oze_Parrot

Introduction To Aspergers Syndrome

By Rick Hamilton

Researchers estimate that roughly 36 out of every 10,000 children are affected by Asperger's Syndrome (AS), which is a very complex developmental disorder. While it is more predominant in male children, it does affect female children as well.

Not only do children with (AS) show normal to above normal intelligence, they also have no or very little speech problems. Generally, children with (AS) will show hardships in three main areas:

  • Socializing with others - Children with (AS) tend to stay to themselves and do not like to socialize.
  • Communication with others - Children with (AS) do not understand body cues or language.
  • Behavioral issues with others - Children with (AS) will have behavioral issues considering the above two items.
The condition is very difficult to diagnose unless you are looking for it, and as a result, many children go undiagnosed and some are even misdiagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or other behavioral conditions.

Some common problems children with (AS) are found to have include, but are not limited to:

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder
  • Oppositional Defiant Disorder
  • Tic Disorders, like Tourette's

(AS) is part of a family of disorders known as Pervasive Developmental Disorders, or PDDS. Although (AS) was identified more than 60 years ago, there is still no single known cause of the disorder or cure for it. It is, however, known to be linked to genetics which means it can be passed along in the family.

As a parent of children with (AS), everyday life can be frustrating and challenging. It is critical that you get out of denial and start the challenging journey of educating yourself to best raise your child and give them the love and guidance that will lead them to a happy and successful life.

Coach Hamilton is a H.S. Shop Teacher and Sports Coach who teaches "Special Needs" children on a daily basis. He has gathered much information about AspergersSyndrome and has compiled it on his SquidooLens for all to view. http://www.squidoo.com/aspergerstruth

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rick_Hamilton

Monday, January 14, 2008

Counseling and Psychotherapy

By Shaun Bird

Why not completely change the direction of your life and begin doing something really worthwhile?

If you like working with people and helping others overcome their problems, a counseling and psychotherapy course could be the answer.

Many people today need counseling to help them cope with their problems such as a Personality Disorder, Eating disorder, OCD, Addiction, Anxiety. Depression, Divorce, Sexual Orientation to name but a few.

A Diploma in counseling and psychotherapy is open to any one and no prior knowledge is needed. However, it could be particularly helpful for anyone working on a day to day basis with people such as Prison Officers, Health Workers, Care Workers, Police Officers and so on.

By taking a Diploma in this area, you will gain a thorough understanding of what is expected of a counselor. You will be able to use your newly developed skills to help people in need. It could be people at work, or it could even be close members of your family. It could also be long-time friends. Just think how much they could benefit from your knowledge and experience or you could apply for employment in the field Mental Health.

A home study counseling course is a great way to study without the constraints of having to attend classroom training which does not suit everybody - especially with today's busy life style. Some companies offer "hands on training" to go along with the distance learning course and this is a great way to gain valuable practical experience.

Shaun L Bird UK Open Learning http://www.uk-open-learning.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Shaun_Bird

Practical Steps You Can Take If You Have Panic Attacks

By Paul Jonnes

What are some practical steps you can do when you are diagnosed to have panic attacks?

1) Reminding Yourself You Will Survive

If you were diagnosed to have panic attacks, chances are you have already experienced it at least once. So you know that you will feel terrible, out of control and almost as if you were having a heart attack. However, it is important to first understand that this feeling will past. While panic attacks can give you discomfort, they are usually just that and nothing more. Panic attacks alone will not kill you, and it is important for you to tell yourself that, before, during (especially) and after a panic attack strikes.

The key is to try your best to calm yourself during a panic attack; this sounds obvious but is essential. By telling yourself the terrible sensation will past and you will survive it, you give yourself practice for the case of the real event.
3 things you can remind yourself:

Panic attacks will not cause heart attacks

Although you may feel breathlessness during panic attacks, you will not stop breathing and die from it.

Panic attacks will not cause you to go insane.

2) Breathing

One of the signs when you experience a panic attack would be difficulty in breathing, hyperventilating and tightness feeling in your chest. When this happens, you need to be focusing on your breathing.

First instead of taking quick short breaths (hyperventilating), take slow long deep breaths. Ensure that when you take in a breath, your abdomen rises and falls and it is not your chest that expands and contracts. Maintaining long deep breaths encourage you to calm down and relax yourself which is the goal we are trying to reach.

Again, practising this during normal times allow you to "remember" what to do when panic attack strikes.

3) Focus On Other Things, Keeping Your Mind Busy

It helps to keep your mind and body busy and focus on thinking and doing other things than the situation you are in. When you find yourself drifting into more and more negative thoughts, occupy yourself by finding something else to do.

4) Speak To A Friend, Family And Loved Ones

If there is someone that you know or trust, speak to him or her when you feel anxiety arising. Let them comfort you, hold your hand. This will help you feel more relaxed and less likely to suffer a panic attack.

5) Health and Fitness

When your body healthy and fit, then it is much less likely you will get often panic attacks. Keep a regular exercise schedule and if you can, find someone to join you in your routine workouts.

If possible, stay away from smoking, alcohol, caffeinated beverages and foods as all these can increase stress and hence the risk of panic attacks.

A healthy lifestyle can prove to be more useful in controlling anxiety and panic attacks than some may think.

6) Do not feel embarrassed

Remember that it is not your fault that you suffer from panic attacks. There are many others just like you. In the US there is more than 3 million suffering from this disorder, proof it is much more common than you think in the general population.

Please note that the above are suggestions for your general information and knowledge. They are and should not be viewed as a substitute for professional medical advice or treatments for panic attacks given by your doctors or therapists.

Paul Jones has great interest in the topic of Panic Attacks. If you wish to find out more information on panic attacks, what it is and how it can be treated without medication and expensive treatments, you NEED to visit HERE.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Paul_Jonnes

Alternative Treatment For Emotional and Mental Health Disorders

By Robin Brain

There are very few conditions or illnesses that are entirely psychological or physical, and mental or emotional illnesses do become inextricably entangled with physical symptoms, which even the best therapist or doctor would find difficult to separate. Most mental problems are either pathological (caused by disease) or they are caused by problems in childhood and growing up, or stressful events of life. Stresses and problems affect every individual differently, and each person will adapt - or fail to do so - according to his or her physical and psychological makeup. Depressions are very common after illness because resistance is low emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Illness is common after depression for much the same reason.

Very few people suffer from problems that require hospitalization, and conditions can differ in severity from person to person. Common emotional or mental problems include addictions, agoraphobia, amnesia, anger, anxiety, bereavement, confusion, delirium, depression, eating disorders, fears, fright, grief, hallucinations, hypochondria, hysteria, insecurity, manic depression, memory loss, obsessions, panic attacks, paranoia, schizophrenia, sexual problems, sleep problems, stress, and unusual behavior.

Mental health problems are very common. Most of us experience depression or stress at some point in our lives, and literally millions of people in the Western world are diagnosed as mentally ill each year. Often fear of being out of control or of experiencing painful emotions means that we neglect our mental health, ignoring the warning signs of stress.

Alternative therapies and medicines can be helpful in preventing mental health problems by reducing stress, aiding relaxation, and reminding us that physical and mental health go together. For people who have already had mental health problems, alternative medicine can help reduce the chances of a relapse. It can also counteract the side effects of prescribed drugs.

Drugs can control symptoms and give short-term relief, but they do not get to the root of the problem. Alternative medicine's holistic approach - which looks at the underlying causes of symptoms in the context of the person's life and emotions - makes it ideally suitable for the treatment of many mental health problems.

An alternative practitioner should treat you as an individual, giving you attention and time to discuss your problems.

The so-called talking treatments of psychotherapy and counseling may seem the obvious treatment choice for people in mental distress, but there are many other alternative therapy options. For example, aromatherapy or acupuncture can aid relaxation, and ease pain, anxiety, and depression. Buying herbs remedies, or oils for your own use is an option, but for a full assessment and individually tailored treatment, a professional should be consulted.

It is vital that you feel comfortable with your chosen practitioner. A good one will tell you if they do nol think they can help you, and suggest another form of treatment, or another practitioner. They may also advise you to see a physician if they feel it is appropriate.

Read out for Strength ball training. Check out arthritis and diagnostic tests

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robin_Brain

Sunday, January 13, 2008

What Is An Anxiety Attack?

By Terry Edwards

An anxiety attack occurs when you experience an intense amount of anxiety, panic or fear. That is why they are also called panic attacks. There are a variety of different symptoms that occur to someone who has an anxiety attack, and vary from person to person. Typically, the attack is triggered by a stimulus, although sometimes the stimulus may not be obvious. Here is a closer look at what these attacks really are and the signs to look for.

On the surface, many people describe their panic attacks as appearing randomly. During this time, the anxiety is so strong that adrenaline and other hormones flood the body, and get the person into a state of arousal that causes their flight or fight mechanism to become engaged. Even when there appears to be no real harm, a person may be extremely frightened and even have the feeling that death or serious injury is imminent.

Studies by the American psychological Association have found that, on average, most people's bouts with anxiety last around 10 minutes. Of course, some attacks may be brief and occur for even under 60 seconds, whereas others have reported cases of episodes lasting for two hours or greater.

In fact, those who experience reoccurring panic attacks often will realize early symptoms coming on, therefore experiencing significant anticipatory anxiety before the attack even takes place. Despite the fact that these can be one of the most traumatic experiences of their life, there has been no known case of someone actually dying from one. In the worst cases, the anxiety becomes so strong that the person passes out or faints.

Anxiety attacks can affect people both socially and psychologically. Some people will experience them in social situations where they fell nervous about what the people around them will think. This is often the case for people who have to give public speeches or make a presentation in front of others. Psychological attacks can be triggered by certain internal stimulus, like feeling out of place or odd, or from consuming too much caffeine or not getting enough sleep. Also, certain foods have been associated with triggering them.

Many people who have had a panic attack associate it with a heart attack, a nervous breakdown or even with schizophrenia. Typically dizziness, heart palpitations, nauseous and extreme panic are the most common symptoms.
You can find out more about Anxiety Attacks as well as discover much more information on everything to do with anxiety and panic attacks by going to http://www.AnxietyAttacksA-Z.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Terry_Edwards

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Five Ways to Write About Your Anger

By: Lael Johnson

Most people have mixed feelings about feeling and expressing anger. Various influences suggest everything from practicing extreme self-control, holding it all in (end result: stoicism) to showing no boundaries about sharing anger at all(end result: anarchy). Finding the middle ground is the place where you can communicate feelings and the facts of a given situation, without hurting or blaming the other party, and vice versa. When this first scenario occurs, you are creating more space for positive communication changes to occur. When communication is less than ideal, continuing to express anger in old ways will reinforce old habits., aggravating an already difficult situation.

I'm recommending the following journal exercises to assist you in finding more positive ways to express your anger, and become a better communicator. When I have shared my feelings, and the other party has been receptive, I've been surprised at how calm I became, compared to how uncomfortable, I felt prior to sharing my feelings. I also have had some situations where I either didn't receive a response or the other party remained silent. What is most important in any situation, is that I reached out and began the process.

Here is your exercise list:


When you have a strong reaction to a situation, start to pray and write about it. Remember to include a detailed description of your strong feelings including the facts of the situation. Remember to use as much space on a page as you can when you scribble. After filling a page, choose one scribble, and start drawing a specific shape over your scribble. Continue to scribble over the shape until you are finished. (e.g. You may feel tired or relieved. Your words may slow down or you may run out of time to write.) When you notice any of these reactions, it's time to stop writing. Wait a few minutes for everything to settle, then move to the next exercise. (Note: You may substitute any ritual here if praying isn't a good fit for you.)


This exercise is an effective way to communicate feelings and information to yourself or to someone else. You can write unsent letters, when it might otherwise be hurtful to speak directly to the other party(ies) You can also write unsent letters on any topic (positive or negative). Unsent letters also provide a great place to practice your lines. Whether you write a series of unsent letters or one letter, your feelings will become less intense. Then you can prepare to have a calm conversation with the other party. You can write as many unsent letters as you want. When you write your unsent letters, you give yourself permission to feel the intense emotions that surface around a specific event. At some point either during, immediately or after you've written your letter, you will gain clarity about your part in the situation. You will also learn to evaluate your responsibility as well as the other party's responsibility in the same situation. When you are calm again, you will be more prepared to make changes, including asking for a more specific communication change from the other party. You can continue to follow-up your unsent letters with prayers of blessing for the other party. As you continue to bless the other party, room is made for positive changes to happen in yourself and the other party. When you write an unsent letter, it demonstrates your courage and willingness, to make serious changes in a difficult situation.


Writing an imagined or real conversation you had with the other party, can help let out some of your anger. It's useful to put words or images to your feelings. Start your dialogue with two voices, the letter "A" (for your voice) and "B" (for the other person's voice). Be sure to allow both voices time to speak.
Don't worry about writing a perfect dialogue. Use as much detail as you can. Your descriptive skills will improve with each unsent letter that you write. For example, if I feel my anger burning like fire, then I would want to say "I'm burning up over this situation." If I am feeling a sense of resentment (something deep, quiet and very intense, that never quite goes away, then I might say, "I'm really frustrated about _______ now, can we talk about it for a few minutes?" Remember that no intense feeling is worth ignoring. It's much better to express your feelings a few at a time, than to pay the price of those same feelings causing problems for you in the future.


Writing sentences that begin with "I am feeling ." is a good way to verbalize all of your feelings about a difficult situation. I want to remind you that may express other feelings along with your anger. When you start your journaling, focus on your anger first, then write about your other feelings. I suggest that you write a minimum of ten feeling statements. Put the list away. Move on to the next exercise.


Draw several pictures of your anger. All types of drawing are allowed. Remember what I said about "My anger is burning." Write a visual image of your anger. I want you to use as many senses in your picture as you can. (Note: you may also use this exercise to visualize other strong feelings)


Now look at your list of "I am" sentences. Match as many of your picture(s) with your "I am feeling." sentences as you can. (For example: I am feeling angry about.put a picture of a fire next to the written statement. When you are finished, circle one or two combinations that best describe your current feelings. Be sure to write a summary sentence about your two choices.


Let's stop and review the work you've already done. You have written an initial unsent letter about your ang er. You've explored some of your feelings in detail. You've summarized your feelings using a combination of drawing and writing. Now write one action you could have taken to keep the earlier situation from accelerating. Write another sentence describing one action that the other party could have taken. Write down one positive action you are willing to take to change your anger expression now, remember to include a specific completion time and date. If you pray, start praying for good to come to the other party. I would recommend that you pray for at least a few times a week working up to praying daily for a month or until your strong negative feelings disappear.

Take your time working through these exercises. If you find yourself, unable to move on to the next exercise. Then write a short paragraph why you don't want to move on. Take a break and start the new exercise the next day. Look forward to celebrating your freedom from past buried feelings.

Author BioLael Johnson, owner of Writer's Eye Advisory Service, offers creativity coaching services and additional writing resources. Visit www.writerseye.com for more information.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com - Free Website Content

Do Your Dreams Have a Hidden Meaning?

By Wendy Owen

Dreams, what are they?

Dreams come from your subconscious mind as a means of processing and sorting information. But the truth is no one really knows what causes dreams and why some folk seem to have vivid colorful dreams and others have short uneventful ones.

Dreams mainly occur during Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep. REM occurs every one and a half hours during the sleep cycle. During REM the eyes move from side to side and the body is relaxed and almost incapable of movement.

Have you ever told people, "I never dream"? Well you're wrong. The fact is everybody dreams every night. You just may not be able to remember your dreams.

Don't worry too much if this is the case. Not remembering dreams doesn't mean you're abnormal or unnatural in any way. While most people do remember their dreams, the memory is fleeting and occurs mainly when the sleeper first awakens.

If you really want to be able to remember your dreams, the best way is to 'remind yourself' before falling asleep. This programs the subconscious mind - the source of your dreams - to hold on to the memory.

When you wake up, try and hold the dream in your mind until you have a chance to record it. The easiest way to do this is to have a notebook and pen or a personal voice recorder beside your bed, so you can write down the dream before it disappears and gets 'buried' by the normal thoughts and concerns of everyday life.

With a bit of practice you'll find little snippets of your dreams beginning to reveal themselves. This procedure will also work well for those who remember occasional dreams or those who want to remember every dream they have.

Books on dream interpretation abound and many people believe that dreams create a window into the subconscious mind where they can find answers to their most pressing problems and even see into the future.

This can be a dangerous practice. At best you can waste a lot of money buying books which lean towards the esoteric and lack knowledge in this area. Even sleep specialists know a large part of interpreting dreams is pure speculation.
At worst dream interpretation can be taken too seriously and people can depend too heavily on finding the (sometimes false) meaning of their dreams. This can lead to depression and even paranoia. It's best to treat dream interpretation as a bit of fun and realize that there may be many different ways to analyze dreams and their meaning.

If you are having recurring dreams or nightmares, it's best to contact a therapist experienced in this area. Don't go down the mystical route of trying to analyze yourself by means of a book.

Nightmares can be caused by stress, so work on ways to relieve this and the nightmares should ease or may even disappear by themselves.

Author Bio: Want to know how to have better sleep? Find out how! Sign up for our monthly ezine and score our free book "How to Cure Insomnia and Achieve Healthy Sleep" at: www.insomnia-connection.com your resource for detailed information on better sleep and curing stress. The author, Wendy Owen, has had a lifetime interest in general and alternative health.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com

Brain-Boosting Herbs For Age-Related Memory Problems

By Sharon A Bell

People often accept that memory problems starting at the age of 40 are inevitable and are part of the normal aging process. Although it is true that the neurons in the brain mature and age much like the other parts of the body, you should not take age-related memory lapses and cognitive problems sitting down. There are actually a lot of things you can do and take in order to delay, avert or even reverse such age-induced neurological difficulties.

Aside from eating a healthy diet rich in essential fatty acids, performing regular physical activities and doing mental exercises, you can also take advantage of nature's bounty in helping you revive the health of your gray matter. Below are some herbs, spices and other nutrients that will truly bring back the spark in your brain.


A lot of studies have shown the effectiveness of Gingko in helping enhance memory and boost mind power. This herb is not only a powerful antioxidant, which aids in healing and restoring cells, but it also enhances brain circulation. Before taking any supplement containing Gingko, you need to consult a physician first especially if you are taking aspirin or any medication that makes blood thinner.

Bacopa Monniera

An herb that has been used in India since time immemorial to assist in treating brain-related problems, such as memory lapses and epilepsy, is bacopa monniera, also known as brahmi. Aside from being rich in antioxidants, this herb also enhances learning skills and memory.


Oxygen is important in making the brain function at its peak. One of the reasons why stroke victims manifest cognitive difficulties is the lack of oxygenated blood in the brain. Hawthorn is an herb that strengthens your blood vessels, ascertaining that nutrients and oxygen are transported properly to the brain. Furthermore, this herb also helps in eliminating waste products and toxins in the brain. However, if you have heart and blood pressure problems, ask your doctor's permission before taking this herb.

Kava Kava

In order to make your brain function properly, you need to have the right amount of sleep everyday. One herb that is not only effective in helping you sleep better, but also in boosting the production of certain growth hormones that are important in improving memory is kava kava. Since this substance is also a muscle relaxant, pay attention to its dosage. Furthermore, make sure that you don't take kava kava with alcohol or any type of barbiturates.


Another herb that helps improve the blood flow to the brain is periwinkle. This plant is an important source of vinpocetine, a natural chemical that is used to treat age-related brain problems. However, taking periwinkle can either exacerbate bleeding or prevent it, depending on the dosage and form. Thus, consult an alternative medicine practitioner before taking pure periwinkle tinctures or supplements.


Did you know that ancient Greeks wear a stem of rosemary in their hair in the belief that it helps restore memory and mental acuity? Actually, there are some studies that confirm that a sniff of rosemary is helpful in improving concentration, memory and blood circulation particularly in the brain.

St. John's Wort

You might be surprised that a weed that may be proliferating in your garden or yard is actually an effective brain-boosting herb. St John's Wort actually helps raise the production of various neurotransmitters, which are vital in many cognitive functions. Furthermore, the ability of this herb to elevate your mood also assists in boosting brainpower. However, people who are taking anti-depressant medications should think twice before taking this herb.

It is quite easy to find products that contain the above-mentioned herbs. However, before taking any herbal supplement, it is always important to consult with experts first. One product that is known to help improve brain functions and memory is Neurovar. Visit http://www.Neurovar.com to learn more about this supplement.

Sharon Bell is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine http://www.healthnfitnesszone.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sharon_A_Bell

Avoid Anxiety and Take Care of Your Memory

By Shareen Aguilar

Starting the year with a blast doesn't only apply to what you can do to yourself to become a better person. It is not limited as well to how you can go about your day to day tasks and activities in convenient and beneficial ways. Also, aside from the usual New Year's resolution of losing weight, let us concentrate on how we can also create and lengthen the life of a good memorization ability.

The number one enemy of our health is stress. Chronic stress causes problems to the different compositions of our body. Our emotional and physical states are at risk when chronic stress attacks and when we allow it to linger; it becomes even more dangerous. We may not know it, but the more we welcome irritability to our system, the higher our risk to health problems develop. Not only does chronic stress causes health problems, it also damages the brain cells inside the hippocampus and can lead to further memory problems.

This year, you don't have to go too far or spend too much to maintain a good and reliable memory. Simply initiate your very own set of exercises and follow it in a daily basis to benefit from it entirely. Yes, you read it right. You will be able to maintain a good memory by doing physical exercises everyday. Why exercise is such a good suggestion in terms of memory problems? Simply because the body is placed under an activity and when it is busy, it does not have any time for attending to anxiety, irritability which leads to stress.

Next, by having a positive outlook towards everything that come your way is also a good method of maintaining a reliable memory. When you take time to appreciate what you have, the people you are with and what they do; you keep away from experiencing any sort of chronic stress.

Ever notice how we get hogged up by daily responsibilities? When we have been experiencing this pattern for too long, there is a tendency that it may raise anxiety within us. Don't let this happen. There can be many obligations that can not wait but it is always best to stop once in a while and relax. By calming your nerves and muscles and releasing tension from all parts of your body, you reduce the risk of putting your mind and memory in grave danger.

The next time you think that your short term memory isn't working properly anymore, check your emotional state. You could be spending much time on feeling angry and irritated.

Shareen Aguilar is a writer for Memory Improvement which has Memory Improvement Books and Memory Game Software.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Shareen_Aguilar

The Fallout From Mental Health Stigma

By Sonia Devine

What is Stigma?

Stigma is the use of stereotypes and labels when describing someone, and it is often attached to people who suffer from mental health issues. We don't fully understand how the brain works yet, but one thing we DO know is that it is an organ. Yet our society doesn't readily accept brain disorders the way we accept other organ disorders. Why is this so?

Stigma is a harsh reality for people who have mental health problems, because it prevents them from enjoying a normal and productive life. So many people today feel uncomfortable about mental health issues, despite the fact that there is growing evidence that more and more people are developing these problems. In fact, many people are so uncomfortable with the stigma that they would rather suffer in silence than get help they need.

Here are a few of the most common misconceptions about mental health problems:

Mentally ill people have a weak character

Mentally ill people are potentially dangerous.

People with mental illness should just "snap out of it"

Mentally ill people are violent

The media has only further fuelled our distorted beliefs about mental health issues. Frequently, characters on television and in the movies that have a mental illness are depicted as dangerous, unpredictable and violent.

What Are the Effects of Stigma?

If you became ill you would go to a doctor. Once you got better, you would expect to get on with life as usual.

But it's not that easy for people who suffer from mental illness. Often, they can suffer from persistent rejections and exclusions by ill-informed members of the community. Some people have been denied loans, health insurance and jobs because of their history of mental health issues. Consequently, these people lose their self confidence and may develop further anxiety or depression, on top of the issues they are already facing.

I witnessed this first hand many years ago, when my brother was diagnosed with schizophrenia. The majority of his friends deserted him; they weren't able to comprehend or cope with his altered personality and erratic behaviour. Within months he went from being a popular, vivacious and outgoing young man to a shattered, isolated loner. Over the following months, I watched my brother sink deeper into debilitating depression, which ultimately became so unbearable that he took his own life.

What Can We Do?

All of us have times when we feel depressed, anxious or angry. We might even have a series of bad days, where we think that nothing will ever go right for us and the world is against us. For a mentally ill person, these feelings do not go away.

So the answer lies in education and understanding. If you know someone who seems very emotional, down or upset, then lead by example; show compassion and understanding, and encourage them to seek help. And if you're suffering silently yourself, take comfort in the fact that you're not alone and that there is hope.

Author Bio: Sonia Devine is a qualified professional hypnotherapist and success coach with a caring and committed approach to healing, who lives in Melbourne, Australia. You can find more of her information on mental health, self image, love, relationships, phobias and much more on her website Manifest Your Success

Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com - Free Website Content

Dealing With Aggression

By David Ferruolo

Sometimes life can be very confusing. We strive to walk a spiritual path, being accepting and forgiving. We smile and send blessings unselfishly to all that cross our path. We meditate and pray, but how do we deal with negative people when their wrath is directed at us?

We are all still human, and we have feelings, and yes, egos. When aggressive, angry people confront us, it is sometimes hard to keep that ego in check. Dealing with someone who is acting out of fear and insecurity can also be very tough. How do we gently thwart an abusive aggressor and still hold true to our beliefs and spirituality? It is a hard road, but I can offer some basic suggestion, which have helped my tremendously over the years.

Let spirit guide you.

Always trust your higher self to guide you to the correct course of action. Listen to your inner voice and discern what your emotions are telling you. Separate ego thoughts of retaliation and defense from those loving, caring emotions of your soul. Remember the ego will always defend by attacking or withdrawing, so we must know and curb our ego and settle into our spiritual higher selves. When we think and act out of love, we will always pick the correct actions.

Try to See and agree with their point.

We sometimes can understand the motives behind peoples actions if we give thought to their situation. Remember there is no right or wrong, there is only different points of view and opinion. So seek to see the other side of the disagreement. If you know the abuse towards you is unwarranted, and you cannot see the truth or motivation behind the situation, just calmly listen to what they have to say. You don't have to agree with them, but do strive to know why they are acting the way they are. Listen intently to what they are saying. You can rebut with something like; "I understand that you are felling a certain way, and that I perhaps did something to provoke these feeling, but I did not intend to cause this situation. That was not my intention and I apologize. I hope that you feel better soon, and if there is something I can do to help, please let me know" Simple as that.

Let them speak, and be truly interested in what they say.

The ego is a simple thing to understand. Give it your undivided attention, and it is happy. If you are sincere when listening to others, it satisfies the basic need of attention and they will be less aggressive (most of the time, anyway). Like I said before, sometimes people just want to be heard and noticed. So listen and let them know you see them and are truly interested in their plight, even if the problem is with you. When responding, always use their name in the sentence. This makes them feel important, and may lessen their anger even more. Responses like. "Lisa, I understand what you are saying." Or maybe; "I can see where you are coming from, Lisa." And remember eye contact! Nothing says you are interested in what someone says more than direct eye contact.

Accept responsibility for your actions.

If you actually did do something to create the problem, and the complaint is legitimate, take responsibility for your actions. Apologize. Offer reciprocity or ask them if you can do anything to make them feel better. Most of the time, people just want to be heard and apologized to.

Do not accept their gift of anger-keep your cool.

One of my favorite Buddha stories goes like this: One day a disciple came to the Enlightened One. This student was angry and confronted the Buddha. The Buddha sat quietly in meditation while his student raved on. Finally, the student asked the Buddha if he could hear him and way was he not reacting with anger? The Buddha opened his eyes and politely said; "If I do not accept your gift of anger, does it not still make it your own?" By keeping your cool and acting calmly during an angry confrontation, you will not give fuel to the fire. It takes two to tango, so if you do not armor up, the potential confrontation is merely one person venting. When in this situation, remember the other points in this article.

Defuse their anger...

By apologizing and letting them know that you understand that your actions led them to this stress. If someone is about to push you, you can either back away or confront their advances. Confronting their advances only deepens the well of discord and creates a fight, but by intelligently backing off, their aggression is immediately defused. By removing the motivation for their advance, you can defuse the situation before it gets out of hand. When you feel your anger rising in defense of your ego, immediately take a deep breath and find your center. Know that the anger and negativity within your attacker is only a reflection of what is inside of them, and not inside you. You are not the negative things this person says about you. This only makes your abuser a person that needs to be negative out of insecurity and inner fears. Forgive them, for they know not what they do or how to act in accordance with universal law.

Knowledge is power.

Know they really feel they have a reason for their negativity and aggression, but they do not know how to maturely convey the message to you. Thank them for letting you know how they feel. Let them know you appreciate them having the courage to let this matter out. Respond accordingly, but always reply out of love and respect and not retaliation, protection and fear.

The things people say may hurt our feeling, but as spiritual beings we can choose our actions to these negative situations and let it go. Your ego may want to let the person know they hurt you, but this is not the time. After the situation has been defused, you will have the chance at a later date to speak your truth. If the person is someone you whish not to speak with, a letter written from a place of love a nd compassion is a great tool to honor what you believe.

As we walk a spiritual path, we are not immuned from the negativity of the world, but we can choose to act in accordance with spiritual law. We will always be uplifted when we choose the right action and not retaliate in defense of our egos. The Bible says the meek will inherit the earth. A Course in Miracles expands that thought by saying that the meek will take over the earth with their passive inner strength. So remember these words and the above suggestions the next time you are confronted with aggression and anger. Be passive-take the high road, and let your spirit and inner strength rule the situation.

Author Bio: Dave Ferruolo is the Author of "Connecting with the Bliss of Life: Powerful Lessons for Living a Peaceful and Happy Life." He is a former Navy SEAL an inspirational and motivational speaker, success coach, consultant and spiritual counselor. www.daveferruolo.com

Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com - Free Website Content

Cure Anxiety Attacks - Several Excellent Tips

By Max Suther

Do you suffer from excessive worrying or sudden and frequent anxiety or panic attacks? If so, you have joined the ranks of millions of people who experience the same problem. Anxiety attacks are more common than you may realize, or care to know. However, the cure for anxiety attacks may be located inside you. With some self-examination and techniques, you may be able to combat your anxiety attacks on your own, and avoid professional help. It helps to know that you cannot simply outsmart your anxieties or trick yourself into avoiding attacks. The only true cure can come only from understanding them.

Many symptoms associated with an anxiety attack are physical. While the anxiety attack sufferer may feel that he or she is dying, they are not. These physical manifestations are actually attempts of the body to protect itself, but can be extremely uncomfortable and include a racing heart, tingling, upset stomach, headaches, back aches, insomnia, and even neck pain. To avoid these and all anxiety attacks, the first step is to make it hard for you to worry. This can be done through what is called "grounding exercises".

Grounding exercises help you to draw your attention and anxieties downward, into the body through movement and breath. These exercises help force your body to relax and remain calm. While it is true that they will not completely eliminate anxiety in all cases, it can help as long as you stay focused. In order for grounding exercises to help cure anxiety attacks they must be done directly in response to the anxiety. Because anxiety can rear its ugly head almost anywhere, what is helpful about grounding exercises is that they can be done quickly, quietly, and in almost any location.

There are many different types of grounding exercises, the first and foremost being the abdominal lift. Start by standing. While in this position, take three deep breaths in preparation for the first lift. On the third breath, completely empty your lungs of air and hold your breath. As you hold your breath, suck your stomach in and focus on the area below the belly button. Hold this position and your breath for a while. Relax your belly then resume normal breathing. Three abdominal lifts are usually sufficient for a good grounding.

For more information on how to cure anxiety attacks visit http://www.cureanxietyattacks.com where you will find tips, articles and resources including information on natural remedies for anxiety.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Max_Suther

What To Do When Having An Anxiety Attack

By Terry Edwards

For many people, the scariest times of their life are when they're having anxiety attacks. When going through a panic attack you may feel symptoms such as lightheadedness, heart palpitations, dizziness, hyperventilation, and complete disorientation with reality. Because of this confusion, and these extremely discomforting feelings, everyone who's experienced this sort of thing just once, wants only one thing - immediate relief.

In this article, I will give you some tips on how to immediately seek relief when having an anxiety attack, as well as some long-term treatments that may be helpful to you.

First, observe your breathing patterns. Typically, you will be breathing shallowly and rapidly, which is a physiological arousal for panic. Simply by correcting your breathing you will send physiological messages to your brain to no longer panic as much. You want to breathe slowly and deeply, inhaling through your nose using your diaphragm. You know you are breathing right if your shoulders do not move up and down when you breathe.

Second, do not engage in future-based thinking. Often time's people will compound their anxiety by thinking about negative things that may soon happen to them or could happen to them in their panicked state. If you catch yourself thinking "what if", then shift it into "what now".

Third, do not try to "fight" the attack. Typically, fighting an attack brings about resistance which in turn increases the episode. It is better to acknowledge that the attack is occurring and accept the fact that you're experiencing a panic attack and that it will pass. By floating with the symptoms instead of trying to fight them you will immediately decrease the amount of panic you feel.

Finally, having somebody to turn to for support when you're experiencing an anxiety attack can be extremely beneficial.

In the long-term, there are a number of different options available to you to decrease your chances of having a bout with anxiety. In this case, there are certain medications, cognitive therapies, as well as dietary and fitness options that you should pursue. Cognitive behavioral therapy is perhaps the most successful type of therapy for treating these types of attacks.

It is important that you develop coping strategies so you can spend less time in a panicked state and more time enjoying your life. Use some of the strategies I have outlined above to make this happen and continually experiment and find new ways to handle anxiety attacks when they occur.

You can find out more about Anxiety Attacks as well as discover much more information on everything to do with anxiety and panic attacks by going to http://www.AnxietyAttacksA-Z.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Terry_Edwards

Parenting Children with ADHD - Your Child's Future
By Debra Sale Wendler

Your child has ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). He is impulsive, hyperactive, and temperamental because he does not have the frontal lobe ability to monitor his behavior. He has low self-esteem because he is constantly being corrected by adults for his inappropriate behavior.

He has ODD (oppositional defiant disorder) because he thinks he is never wrong. He does not trust or respect adults because he thinks he is smarter than they are. He is obnoxious, unhappy, rejected, and out of control-all the makings of a social outcast.

It has been said that a child with ADHD operates like a speeding car without the brakes. Remember this metaphor by heart. There are several ways to stop a car without brakes. It is your job to help your child find those ways unique to him so that he can slow down, pay attention, make informed choices, and learn.

Effect of ADHD on Your Child's Future

Few parenting experts will tell you honestly how dim your child's future will probably be without proper ADHD treatment. Some untreated adults with ADHD develop their own coping skills to make their disorders more manageable, for example, drinking eight cups of coffee a day. Most lead unhappy and unproductive lives, drifting through jobs and relationships with little success. Many adults with untreated ADHD also have drug and alcohol addiction problems.

An untreated child with ADHD, ten years old or younger, will often experiment with substance abuse to try to curb his emotional pain. If he is frequently out of control when he is 11 or 12, his parents might look into residential treatment facilities for treatment. When he is 15, his parents might give up and hope for the day he is old enough to leave home for good.

You Can Improve Child Behavior

Your child's future depends on your decision to take an active role in helping him overcome ADHD and ODD.

A man who wants to do something will find a way; a man who doesn't will find an excuse. Stephen Dolley, Jr.

Many experts will be quick to tell you the challenges of ADHD and ODD, but few offer specific parenting advice, thorough explanations, and practical solutions. Most parents of children with these challenges have at least 20 big problems that they need to solve immediately.

If you are ready to start on a constructive journey to solve your parenting problems and help your child, I invite you to use these parenting tips and join an elite group of parents who are on the same path.

If you want to calm your challenging child, I invite you to claim your free child behavior-improving report "Three Easy Ways to Improve Your Child's Behavior Today!" You can download part one when you subscribe at http://www.AdhdParentingTips.com It explains the methods I used to improve my son's ADHD/ODD behavior by 72% in 3 weeks. The sooner you start this, the easier it is to help your child. You can do this. From Debra Sale Wendler - Respect Effect Mom and ADHD Parenting Success at http://www.AdhdParentingSuccess.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Debra_Sale_Wendler

Children's Behavior Problems - What Is ODD and How to Know If Your Child Has It

By Debra Sale Wendler

ADHD alone is difficult to deal with, but ADHD comorbid (or combined) with ODD (oppositional defiant disorder) creates chaos.

If your child periodically talks back defiantly, slams doors, acts stubborn, and blows up but has some control to calm himself down, feel remorse, and accept consoling and logical explanations, he does not have ODD.
What is ODD?

If your child is hot-headed, gets angry frequently, loses his temper, is spiteful and vindictive, deliberately annoys people around him (at home and school alike), argues with adults, defies you, and refuses to carry out rules and adults' requests, be forewarned.

If he is easily annoyed by others and overreacts to remarks by others, but never owns up to his mistakes because they are always somebody's fault, this is a kid with full-fledged ODD.

This is not a phase that will pass. He cannot control these behaviors. He does not feel remorse for causing the hurt feelings and chaos in his environment.

He definitely needs treatment and may need additional medication (beyond what is prescribed for ADHD).

What Causes ODD?

ODD rarely travels alone. Frustrated from harsh adult reactions to his characteristics, a child with ADHD will often develop ODD as a defense mechanism against adults. This is why 65% of children with ADHD develop ODD.

The child with ODD opposes adults because he had a bad experience in the past caused by adults' poor judgment. In his opinion, adults are not to be trusted. He believes he is smarter than adults so he trusts only his instincts, opinions, and observations.

To feel safe, he schemes to control, dominate, and manipulate his environment. He believes he is the only one who can take care of his welfare so he thinks only of one thing, "What's my payoff?"

How to Change Your Child with ODD

Now that you know the "thinking errors" of defiant children, you need to adopt new ways to cope with and solve your child's behavior problems.

To change your child with ODD, you need to do the following: *Provide structure-to make his environment orderly and predictable. *Talk and act assertively-Give short instructions and responses. This one technique will cut down on screaming and yelling in the house. Learn proper child discipline for children with ODD. *Tell him how you expect him to behave. Be his model. Train the values you want him to demonstrate. *Set up a token system (behavior chart)-to convince him he is being paid for improved behavior.

You CAN Solve This

It sounds simple and it is if you can find the right guide with sound parenting advice. If you are ready to adopt new ways to cope with and change your child, I invite you to use these parenting tips to get started.

If you want to calm your challenging child, I invite you to claim your free child behavior-improving report "Three Easy Ways to Improve Your Child's Behavior Today!" You can download part one when you subscribe at http://www.AdhdParentingTips.com It explains the methods I used to improve my son's ADHD/ODD behavior by 72% in 3 weeks. The sooner you start this, the easier it is to help your child. You can do this. From Debra Sale Wendler - Respect Effect Mom and ADHD Parenting Success at http://www.AdhdParentingSuccess.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Debra_Sale_Wendler

How To Cope With Family Mental Illness

By Marcelina Hardy

Coping with family mental illness is difficult and can take a toll on the family members. Family members can have a hard time understands exactly what is going on with the person who is suffering from mental illness. They may not know what to do or how to act around this person and can become frustrated when their loved one isn't acting as they did once before.

There are many ways you can support a family member that has a severe mental illness. Remember, that you loved this person before they became sick and you can still love this person with their symptoms. It will be hard and there will be days when you question why you continue to try to help but know that you are really lending a hand in treatment. The love and support from you can increase your loved ones chances of recovering.

Knowledge is Power in Family Mental Illness

Knowing about your loved one's illness will help a great deal in understanding symptoms. You may be confused, angry and frustrated with your family member because of actions that have occurred because of the mental illness. Knowing and understanding the symptoms and actions caused by the illness will help make those exhausting and complicating days a little easier.

Listen to Your Loved One with Severe Mental Illness

Many times, these individuals are shunned by society and friends push them away. They are left alone with their thoughts and symptoms. Retreating and seclusion is a common symptom of mental illness so it is important to listen to your loved one. Listening to their feelings, thoughts and what they need help with, will give them an outlet and give them the courage to interact with others.

Engage Your Loved One in Activities

Sufferers want to shut the door on the world and life because they feel that they have been dealt a bad hand. This will add to the symptoms they are experiencing because they are left to sit alone and ruminate about their thoughts and feelings. Engage your loved one with severe mental illness in activities, even if it's just a cup of coffee or a dinner out. It will help them get out of the house and realize that even though they are sick they can live in society.

Take Part in Their Treatment

If your loved one will allow you to attend an appointment, make a point to join your family member with mental illness. This will show that you are supportive and that you care about treatment. It will also provide the healthcare professional some insight other than what he hears from his patient. Sometimes family members can offer much more information than what the patient can provide. Some symptoms cause sufferers to forget about their past and create fictional events. Having a family member to fill in gaps and confirm data can greatly affect the effectiveness of treatment.

Take a Break

Taking care of someone who is sick is difficult. You will be mentally, emotionally and physically exhausted, so it's important to take a break for yourself. The only way to be supportive and helpful to your loved one is if you have the patience and strength to do it. Family mental illness affects the entire family and should be treated together so ask other members of the family for help. If you need support for yourself and feel that you need to speak to others who are dealing with the same thing there are many groups across the nation specifically for family mental illness situations.

Marcelina Hardy is a freelance writer who specializes in Mental Health, Counseling and Self-Help topics. Visit http://WriterMLH.googlepages.com for more information.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Marcelina_Hardy

Anxiety And Depression

By Edward Mullen

Anxiety and depression are both very serious mental illnesses all on their own. Unfortunately, they can also go hand-in-hand, making everyday life very difficult for the person who is suffering. Fortunately, if the conditions are recognized and proper help is obtained, they can be overcome successfully.

Due to the nature of both anxiety and depression, understanding the signs and symptoms of the two conditions is vital for helping a person regain control of life. While one condition doesn't necessarily cause the other, it is not at all uncommon to see them manifest together. Considering the potential ramifications of both anxiety and depression, early diagnosis and proper treatment is almost always advisable.

Anxiety's Telltale Signs

Anxiety can present itself in a number of different ways. From very particular phobias to generalized anxiety about everyday living, the actual triggers might vary. Some of the symptoms that tend to go across the board, however, include:

Signs of a heart attack. Things like racing heartbeats, palpitations and even chest pains and discomfort can go along with anxiety. People often think they are having an actual heart attack.


Trouble sleeping


Impending sense of fear, doom or even worry about imminent death

Stomach discomforts

If anxiety is particularly severe, a person might experience a full-blown panic attack. These episodes are incredibly frightening to the person suffering from them. Inasmuch, many people who suffer from anxiety try to safeguard themselves from the things they see as triggers. Whether this is social situations, heights, public speaking or even being separated from family or leaving the house, the end result is the generally the same - some form of isolation. This tends to be where anxiety and depression can intersect.

Depression's Signs

Everyone feels blue from time to time, but real depression is a like a black cloud that smothers. The symptoms of this condition, if left unchecked, can lead to suicidal thoughts and even actions. Keeping an eye out for them is imperative when other mental illnesses, such as anxiety, are present. They are:

Lack of interest in normal activities

A feeling of sadness that persists for several weeks or longer

Feelings of guilt, hopelessness

Thoughts of suicide or death

Changes in eating habits

A desire to isolate oneself

Anxiety and depression are both very real, very serious illnesses. Fortunately, both can be treated rather effectively if their signs and symptoms are recognized and acted upon properly. Seeking counseling and even medication therapy can help put a person back on the right path. Trying to work through a combination of anxiety and depression alone generally is not advised.

Treatment For Anxiety Can Vary

Getting past the hurdles presented by anxiety disorder is no easy undertaking. It is possible, however, for people to do just that and learn to enjoy life again. The actual steps involved in treatment can depend a great deal on the type of disorder present and the perceived cause of the disorder.

Causes Of Anxiety

One factor that can greatly impact treatment for anxiety is the potential cause of the disorder itself. In most cases, treatment for anxiety hinges on the factors that came into play to create the condition. Anxiety is believed to stem from one of three things or a combination of them. They are:

Genetics. If there is a family history of anxiety disorder, this can play a role in helping determine the right treatment for anxiety.

Brain chemistry. Sometimes the levels of chemicals in the brain are off kilter and can help add to anxiety problems. In regard to treatment for anxiety, this factor can often be alleviated somewhat by use of medications to bring chemical levels into balance.

Outward stimulus. In some cases, anxiety is caused entirely by real life experiences. Extreme trauma, for example, is a noted factor in the formation of anxiety disorders.

Potential Treatment For Anxiety

Once the causes of the disorder are examined, people can often find relief and even a cure in some cases. The possible treatment for anxiety prescribed by a professional generally includes a combination of things. For example:

Medications. Medications such as Zoloft are very useful in the treatment for anxiety. These do not cure the condition, but they help remove some of the symptoms. In turn, a person suffering from anxiety is freed up to explore other avenues to prevent anxiety attacks from recurring.

Therapy. Psychological therapy is quite effective as a treatment for anxiety. In the case of outwardly caused anxiety, it is crucial. If the root issues are tackled and faced, a person can actually experience a "cure." For those with chemical imbalances or genetic causes, therapy is still an effective treatment for anxiety. Through therapy, people can learn to recognize anxiety attacks as they are starting. They can also learn to develop the tools they need to regain control when they do happen.

Alternative therapies. Everything from herbal remedies to meditation have proven themselves in some cases as effective treatment for anxiety. A lot does depend on the person and the particular treatment in use.

Treatment is vital for people who want to regain control of their lives. Since the disorder has the potential to be quite debilitating, it is wise for sufferers to seek out help. It is available.

Edward Mullen is a free-lance writer for DiagnosisStress.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Edward_Mullen

Priorities of Mental Development

By Stephen C Campbell

Mind is one of the most important parts of human body and everything in life starts and ends with the mind. It is the mind that determines the destiny of an individual's life. The entirety and progress of an individual's life is a function of the ability of his mind to accommodate the right pictures.

Further, one can see that the prosperity of an individual's life is directly proportional to the pictures on his mind. As he thinks in his heart so he is, as a result his actual metal picture will always determine his actual future. One cannot live above his affiliation. How far he reaches in his life is a function of the objective on his mind, his wealth, his health and all his lives efforts are all at the mercy of the pictures on his mind. One of the major components of the mind is the imagination. So, imagination is responsible for creative thinking. One good thing about the mind is that it grows and also develops, therefore if mind is this important then certain measures are too be taken to increase its productivity and capacity.

Taking Care of Mental Health

Wellness is about taking care of yourself and is an empowered method which recognizes the connection between physical and mental well being. Wellness is not a fashion, it requires several changes but its achievement is a voyage which requires one change at a time. As people improve their living habits they begin to build good habits, a way of life rather than a short term change. Some of the methods to take care of mental health are as follows: -

In order to maintain great attitude, one must always think positively. They have to be optimistic, expecting good things to happen. They should have fun and enjoy the life as laughter promotes happiness. Try to make yourself the top priority. You will never be helpful to others unless you feel happy about your own life. Avoid being a control freak and do not judge others. If you have children then try giving them more scoop as they grow and also show increasing responsibility. Also try to share your time and wealth with others.

Enhance your relationships:

By no means take for granted the relationships with people you care about. Try to improve them by working at them constantly. Try validating your relationships and let the people know how much you appreciate them. Try to find a best friend who enjoys listening to you when you really need him. Instead avoid friends who try to solve your problems by giving you false advices. Do not estimate their concerns but simply appreciate their feelings. Do certain things which can give you pleasure.

Try spending more time with your friends particularly those to whom you can bare your soul. Focus on those people who like to touch and hug as they will provide you with the emotional support which often lacks in the superficiality of the modern day life.

About the Author: Stephen C Campbell (Master NLP Practitioner) has published more information on Developing Memory and mastering your life at http://www.memorydevelopmentmastery.com

Mental Health: Treatment of Anxiety Disorders

By Connie Limon

Most often anxiety disorders are treated with:

• Medication

• Specific types of psychotherapy

• A combination of medication and psychotherapy

Type of treatment depends on the problem and the person's preference.

What is the first step toward treatment?

• A careful diagnostic evaluation to determine if the symptoms are caused by an anxiety disorder or a physical problem

What happens if an anxiety disorder is diagnosed?

• The type of disorder or the combination of disorders present must be identified

• Any coexisting conditions such as depression or substance abuse must be identified

What happens if a coexisting condition is identified?

• If alcoholism, depression or other coexisting condition is identified, these conditions are often addressed first and attempts to bring them under control precede treatment for the anxiety disorder or disorders identified.

If you are a person who has already received treatment for an anxiety disorder, you should tell your current doctor about the treatment in detail. Tell your doctor:

• Names of medication you have used

• Dosage of medication used at the beginning of treatment

• Was the dosage increased or decreased while under treatment?

• Did any side effects occur?

• Did the treatment help you become less anxious

• If you received psychotherapy, describe the type of therapy, how often you attended sessions and whether or not the therapy was useful

It is not uncommon for people to feel as though they have failed at treatment or that the treatment did not work for them. The facts, however, may be that treatment was not given for an adequate length of time or was administered incorrectly. It is also common for people to try several different treatments or combinations of treatment before finding one that works for them.

What is the role of medication?

• It is important to realize that medication does not cure anxiety disorders

• Medication can keep them under control while receiving psychotherapy

• Medication must be prescribed by physicians and usually psychiatrists

What is the role of psychotherapy?

• Psychotherapy is often offered by the psychiatrists prescribing the medicine

• Psychotherapy is also offered by a team of psychologists, social workers, or counselors who specifically provide the service with or without the psychiatrist who prescribed medicine

What types of medicines are used for anxiety disorders?

• Antidepressants

• Anti-anxiety drugs

• Beta-blockers

What is the prognosis for people with anxiety disorders?

• With proper treatment, many people can lead normal, fulfilling lives
Source: National Institute of Mental Health

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information in this article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All health concerns should be addressed by a qualified health care professional

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2007 Connie Limon All Rights Reserved

Author: Connie Limon. Visit http://nutritionandhealthhub.com and sign up for a weekly nutrition and health tip. The article collection is available as FREE reprints for your newsletters, websites or blog. For a variety of FREE reprint articles on various topics rarely seen elsewhere visit http://www.camelotarticles.com

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Anxiety and Stress Guide!

By Stephan Bikoe

Anxiety and depression are the most common mental health diagnoses. It is essential for those suffering from these disorders that they can have many different options for treatment. Even more outstanding is the idea that major depression has become the leading worldwide cause of disability. Depression and anxiety are both very disabling to people and their lives. However, sometimes the typical medications can have terrible side effects and many people do not want to take them because of this. Therefore, there are anxiety and depression alternative therapies available. Anxiety and depression often occur at the same time and can make overcoming the symptoms even more difficult. Anxiety and depression alternative therapies are available to help with many of the different symptoms.

One of the leading symptoms of depression and anxiety is insomnia and sleep disturbances. The root of sleep disorders in people with depression and anxiety is physiological. There are a few very specific things that should be done to try and alleviate the sleeplessness that can occur. They are all considered to be anxiety and depression alternative therapies. The first is to make sure the body has plenty of vitamin E and B complex. While the vitamin E helps people sleep, the vitamin B complex calms the nerves. Second, it is helpful to avoid any stimulants. This includes illegal substances, caffeine, and sugar. It is also important to exercise.

Not only can exercise help counter act the depression, it can also help tire a person out and help them sleep. Then it is a good idea to learn to meditate or use relaxation exercises. Lastly it is suggested that psychotherapy be obtained. That way, there is someone the person can talk to about the disturbances, stresses, and feelings that they are experiencing. Getting the troubles out of the mind can slow down the racing of thoughts that can occur.

Anxiety and depression alternative therapies are often inexpensive and easily accessible. However, when already stressed and depressed and it can be difficult to try and make additional life changes. It is also important to note that they are not an instant help, but do take some time. So people must be patient. Another one of the anxiety and depression alternative therapies is something called Emotional Freedom Technique.

This is said to be acupressure for the mind. This is a treatment of gentle pressure of the head, chest, and hands. The pressure in specific places is said to relieve emotional difficulties. People with depression and anxiety should be able to seek treatment without the side effects or stresses of medication trial and error.

Stephan Bikoe is a writer

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Stephan_Bikoe